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Enid Endodontics

Enid, OK




Operating Microscope

With the highest magnification, the details of your root canal system can be located and properly disinfected leading to a greater chance of success.  Dr. Eliot is proud to utilize Zeiss Surgical Microscopy.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the most modern and advanced high resolution radiographic technology available today.  Dr. Eliot selected the Kodak 9000 3D for his office, as this top of the line model allows for unprecendented detail and clarity, while using an extremely low amount of radiation.




TDO Software
TDO Software

Our office uses TDO, the universally acknowledged gold standard in endodontic electronic records. Designed by a leading endodontist, in conjunction with a community of endodontists dedicated to the foundational principle that the patient's care always come first, the software streamlines and simplifies patient registration, referral communication, medical history review, and clinical and imaging documentation. It operates off the Checklist Manifesto common in top hospitals and the airline industry to minimize errors and improve performance and patient outcomes.

Much more than a software, we are part of a community of top clinicians dedicated to mentoring each other, clinical excellence, and self-improvement and continual critical self appraisal so needed for professional improvement and development. As a user of the software, and as a member of the TDO community, our focus is on providing the highest level of care within the endodontic specialty.